Periodontal Laser Therapy


The LANAP® protocol is a laser-based treatment for gum disease. There is no cutting and suturing with the LANAP® protocol. Patients typically report less pain and discomfort during and after the procedure, compares to traditional periodontal surgery. This patient friendly procedure helps you get healthy again comfortably, without fear. Generally, the LANAP® protocol is less invasive than traditional surgery and helps maintain a beautiful smile line. The LANAP® protocol is a patented periodontal treatment, cleared by the FDA in 2004. The procedure can only be done with the PerioLase® MVP-7; this laser operates at a specific wavelength that attacks the bacteria that contributes to gum disease while leaving healthy tissue intact. Post-surgical recession and tooth sensitivity, which can be significant following traditional gum surgery, are also greatly reduced.

Patient Benefits

  • Faster healing – LANAP® is minimally invasive and allows the body to recover and heal quicker.
  • Less discomfort – Patients report less discomfort during and after surgery.
  • Minimal recovery time – Most patients can immediately return to their daily routine.
  • Little to no gum recession – Because the procedure does not require cutting the gums, there is less risk of recession and your smile is maintained.
  • Reduction in gum inflammation and bleeding – The PerioLase® MVP7™ targets inflammatory bacteria without injuring healthy tissue.
  • Saves teeth – Patients can keep their natural teeth sometimes even when the teeth have been deemed hopeless with traditional treatments. Keeping your natural teeth has been linked to a longer lifespan!
  • Safe for patients with health concerns - LANAP® protocol is safe for patients with health concerns such as diabetes, HIV, hemophilia, or those taking medications such as Plavix or aspirin.

Treatment Procedure

  1. Perio probe indicated excessive pocket depth
  2. Laser light removes bacteria and diseased tissue
  3. Ultrasonic scaler and special hand instruments are used to remove root surface tarter.
  4. Bone is modified at time of surgery.
  5. Laser finishes cleaning pocket and aids in sealing the pocket closed so new germs cannot enter.
  6. Healing of gums to clean root surface occurs.
  7. Bite trauma is adjusted.
  8. Healing occurs
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Office Hours

Monday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday:


Tuesday, Thursday:

8:00 am - 4:00 pm


8:00 am - 3:00 pm